问:道路毕业设计 摘要翻译
- 答:Abstract
This design is a conventional design of the highway which aims at a section of mountain re-Hill area from Yanling to the village Mu(2km). First, we determine the road traffic levels in accordance with the traffic, and do the line selection , alignment on topographic maps and then do the road design, the longitudinal design, cross-sectional design, bridge and culvert installed etc. In addition, we also have the detailed design about the section of the roadbed, road, drainage, slope protection, culvert and retaining walls .
Key words: flat curve; vertical curve; culvert; retaining wall; Concrete Pavement
呵呵,不太专业 希望可以帮到你吧 - 答:Following is the design:Yanling is a section of the village of Mu (2km) mountain re-Hill area of conventional design of the highway. First, determine in accordance with road traffic levels, and topographic maps on line selection, alignment, and road design, longitudinal design, cross-sectional design, such as bridge and culvert installed. In addition, the section of the roadbed, road, drainage, slope protection, culvert and retaining walls throughout the detailed design.
Key words: flat curve; vertical curve; culvert; retaining wall; Concrete Pavement
- 答:你好,你本人急需,要快,只有出钱才有人做,不如你去威客,会有好多人帮你做,你加私聊,百度不可以发网站
- 答:交通土建工程专业考试计划 专业代码:B080809 一、考试课程及学分 序号 课程代码 课程名称 学分 备注 01 3708 中国近现代史纲要 2 02 3709 马克思主义基本原理概论 4 03 6268 工程数学 10 04 6269 工程应用英语 10 05 6167 机械工程 4 06 6285 交通工程经济分析 5 07 6286 桥涵水文 5 08 6287 结构设计原理(二) 5 09 6288 公路工程CAD 4 10 6289 工程招投标与合同管理 5 11 2409 桥梁工程 8 12 6086 工程监理 5 13 6087 工程项目管理 5 S1 2410 桥梁工程(实践) 2 S2 7999 毕业设计 不计学分 合计 74 学分