- 答:“限塑令”实施一年 超市塑料袋用量减少400亿 今年6月1日,"限塑令"实施即满一周年。一份调查显示,目前,我国外资超市塑料袋使用率下降80%以上,内资超市下降60%以上,综合百强销售额、市场占有率、燃盯业态分布等因素游燃,全国超市零售行业塑料袋使用率平均下降66%,塑料袋消耗减少近400亿个。详细<< 不习惯自带购物袋仍是“限塑令”最大障碍 一份针对消费者进行的在线调查显示,76.93%的消费者支持继续对塑料袋进行收费;关于"限塑令实施遇到的最大障碍",29.3%的人认为是消费者没养成经常自带购物袋的习惯。详细<< “限塑令”培养国人环保意识 如何走得更远? “限塑令”出台神段虚一年以来,中国民众塑料袋用得少了,公民的环保意识也得到了提升。详细<<
问:关于“塑料袋”的调查报告 急用
- 答:recently a new law was launched about use of plastic bags the law stipulate all the plastic bag should prohibited which was not meet the reqirement of the goverment the law was promulgated on 2007 6 1 many people showed great support they say this bags may cause damage to our environment and the manufacturer should produce higher quality bags which ply with the law but many people say it also cause inconvenience if we didnt use plastic bags how could we carry thing and it is almost for us to carry a basket go to work and buy thing after work all plait like a landmine bombarded the goverment so how should the government do to consolidate the laws and also to make these people satisfied the goverment should pay arduous effect to pacify the temblor and walk their way back to track/normal
- 答:其实我也在写,不过没写好,你很急吗?能等几天吗?
- 答:*** you!Show what key!He got high。
- 答:塑料袋的危害:污染空气